
Showing posts from May, 2011

blackberry mousse pie

here she is and here is her sacred recipe i promised you BLACKBERRY MOUSSE PIE crust: 1 1/2 c almonds 1 1/2 c walnuts 1 c dates 3 tbs lucuma 2 tsp honey dash sea salt * crumble nuts in food processor until they are fine. add in the rest of ingredients and process until a dough forms. *rub the bottom of a pie plate with 1 tbs of coconut oil. press crust into pie plate and place in freezer. filling: 2 c fresh blackberries 1 1/2 c cashews, soaked 1 c honey 1/2 c cacao butter juice of two oranges 1/2-3/4 tsp almond extract  1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract dash sea salt *blend cashews with honey, orange juice and enough water to keep it moving. when the mixture is completely smooth and in the rest of ingredients and blend until incorporated. *pour filling into crust and set in the freezer for an hour. * decorate top with orange slices, orange zest, goji berries and whatever else floats your boat;) store in the fridge or f...

florida fermentations

dear florida, thanks for being so good to me :)     :)     :) love,  eleni theres nothing like a little vacation to get you renewed, refreshed and ready to face everything life has to offer. florida is always the answer! laying on the sand, listening to the waves of the gulf crash on the shore and feeling the sun warm my skin (and my soul) never fails to reignite my connection with mother earth and her desire for us to live simply. my sister  has the same effects on me:) when i am with my sister, the world makes sense again.  someone to talk to about real spring water, raw pies, fermented foods, and enemas with, is PRICELESS. when she lived 15 minutes away from me, i had weekly inspiration every time i left her house, still mulling over all the hippie things we talked about and all the hippie foods we created. now that shes a two day drive away, months of inspiration and catching up washed over me in just a few days spent at h...

traveling trail mix

there's nothing i love more than traveling. as crazy as you know i am, it shouldn't surprise you that the first thing i plan for a trip is all the food i will be bringing with me. i usually spend a few days day-dreaming and preparing the food i make for a trip, and less than an hour packing my suitcase with personal belongings. the only person who takes this task more seriously than i do is my sister. she even packed fermented vegetables in her suitcase while traveling to another continent! read her blog , see how she did it and learn about some of her healthy tips and adventures in greece. i'm currently sitting in the airport waiting to board a plane that will take me to paradise....navarre beach, florida! as one of "florida's best kept secrets," it has emerald coast lines with white sand that soothes your feet as you frolick across it. my family has been traveling to this same destination for the last twenty years, and i love it more and more every year we...