
Showing posts from November, 2010

thanksgiving and raw vegan eggnog

with thanksgiving just a few days away i thought it might be time to give you some guidance for avoiding the inevitable food coma of the holidays. and this advice goes straight back to me too;)  through clever advertising and shows on food network, the thanksgiving we accept today is all about stuffing your face with waaaay too much food and then retiring on the couch for the rest of the evening watching parades and football, only to get up later to a table laden with sugary foods.  if your invested in your health, this could be a challenge to avoid, especially since the day is usually spent with your family members. so if everyone else is going blindly with the american trend of worshipping overeating, and being motionless the rest of the day.......what do you do? well lets think about what thanksgiving is supposed to be about anyway. being thankful! this is a real day devoted to our gratefulness for all that our heavenly father does for us and how he continually loves us.  if yo


unfortunately for me, i looooove baking. obviously this is great for all my friends and family seeing as though they have yummy surprises to taste all the time. but for me this is almost tragic. i love the art of being in the kitchen whether im cooking, baking or rawing, using my talents and my love to create the physical form of nourishment. however, if i didnt stop myself i could probably be in the kitchen all day baking gluten free cookies, only for them to sit on the counter later and call my name. because i am one of those people who can never stop at one. i dont know why i have this quality, but ive learned to accept it and recognize that voice that tells me to "just have another..." and kindly tell her to be quiet. that being said, i have to work really hard this time of year because so much comfort from the cold weather is intertwined with heavy meals and sweet baked goods. on top of that im working on creating my seasonal items for my baking business, project glute

spontaneous travel

oh the enjoyment of a surprise trip..... for veteran's day, chaz decided to surprise me with a little get away to pittsburgh to visit our friends that live there. it was the greatest surprise and i could not have been more excited about it! especially when all i knew were my instructions to have overnight bags packed for us by the time he got done with class last night. i had a great day with my family and friends that are basically family and happily ate the abundance of food we had...even though it was completely out of balance today.

the art of a raw latte

after eliminating processed food, who in their right mind doesnt miss the unmatched feeling of sipping on a brand name latte? yes thats talking about how holding starbucks in your hand instantly makes you look and feel cool. i used to love coffee (and occasionally still enjoy it at greek events) and sweet creamy drinks. so my life suddenly got brighter when i accidentally made a raw latte this fall. the point of a raw latte is not a caffein/sugar rush, but rather a healthy drink, thats sweet, creamy and something that will make you feel as cool as mary kate olson and that venti thats never left her hand. so the texture is thinner than a smoothie yet thicker than an average drink. to achieve the right consistency i usually use either half a banana or a big spoonful of almond butter. the combinations for your lattes are infinite, making them as sweet, or as creamy as you desire and using any superfoods to boost you through your day. so heres my recipe for today: a "la

resuming with revision

well im back! the last two weeks have been very busy with lots of travel, reading, playing with a certain cute baby and eating. just shortly after my decision to eat all raw some deciding events began to unfold. like digging up emotional connections to my food choices and letting them go.  although i proved to myself that its entirely possibly to stay completely raw even while travel by planning ahead and packing delicious food so that any time others are eating, i can eat and feel good too. however, as winters around here are particularly cold i decided to revise my plan. after meeting up with my family for  my cousins wedding in nashville and then staying in florida for a week i ate many scrumptious things. some raw, some cooked, some healthy and some not so healthy. greek pastries at weddings are a major weakness for me;) so after having a great time on vacation with my family and occassionally straying off the narrow course, my modified food plan is to eat HIGH raw. high raw for